2022 Design Contest

AȘKIA relaunches the annual AȘKIA Young Designers Award (AYDA) product design competition, initiated under the new Ubikubi brand name. In an approach inspired by UniCredit Bank, the contest is open to everyone young designers, architects or design enthusiasts with specific skills who want to contribute to development of the product design scene in Romania.

Contest, posts & Showcase event announcements

The main Contest Media shows the past winners blurred in the background putting accent on the new AYDA contest. The Showcase event Media keeps the focus on the details of the event. Other posts include a showcase GIF of the past winners, and a meme post to show that the prizes have been raised from past years. The Q&A post shows a blurred product that represents the Question and the same product in sharp white line representing the Answer.

Contest announcement & Showcase event posters

The Contest announcement Posters background is white because we wanted to reduce the printing costs. The poster PDF file and the printing cost were sent across the country to universities and professors to print and show them. Just one Showcase event full color poster was printed for visitors to scan the QR Codes or to take photos next to it to show that they’ve participated in the contest.

Contest & Contest Showcase Event facebook cover

The first Contest facebook cover shows the past winners. After the contest ended and the winners were announced, the cover changed putting emphasis on the new winners.

E-mail event special invitation

The special invitation/ free ticket shows the place, date and hours of the event showcase. The invitation was send to all the AYDA participants, judges and other sponsors.

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