With more than 10000 combinations available, it was hard for the customer to see the freedom in making his own pod. We decided to make a 3D online configurator to help visualize his configuration. The standard pCon configurator didn’t fit our vision and possibilities and decided to make our own interface.

Market research


Kameleon Collection is a versatile product that can come in different dimensions, interior arrangements, different types of exterior, and interior panels, and additional features. The customer, whether a dealer, an architect, or an independent customer, needs to understand our product and see its potential of how versatile the product is.


With more than 10000 combinations available, it is hard to calculate the exact price of a custom-made pod on paper. The configurator helps the company and distributors keep track of the quote requests, helps architects to integrate the custom-configured pod into their planning easily, and for the customer to have at hand all the available options.

Competitive analysis

We tested different configurators of competitors but also for other products that were more complex as well, to determine what fits best and what we need. The competitor’s configurators offered us a view of what to focus on and how to divide our category. Because Kameleon Collection offers almost endless variations, unlike the competitors we had to take some decisions regarding how the flow will work so that the customer won’t get frustrated.

User survey

With this survey, we like to figure out which are the most important features the pod has. The survey was conducted with the internal team but also with architects, and distributors we work with to understand better from their experience what is most important and searched for features of such products.


Two personas were created based on who the company works with, architects and distributors. The architects have a different need for a configurator than the distributors. We try to combine all their needs and make a platform for all our customers.

User journey map

The user journey map follows a customer that uses our configurator and wants to create a custom pod and send a quote, to receive an offer. The distributor flow and journey map are private. This represents 80% of every customer interaction with the configurator whether it’s an architect, distributor, or regular customer.

  • Checks their budget and browse the available pods in that range.
  • They’re pleased that all available options are shown at the start with their starting prices.
  • The pod’s specifications are on the previous page, and if they didn’t take the time to read them, they might be frustrated.

  • They have to see where the pods will be installed to choose the correct socket type.
  • They feel motivated by the simple choices that they have to make.
  • They might need to order a pod for the company in another country and they have to look up the type of socket in that region.

  • They start to click on the available options to see what suits their needs and wants.
  • They feel a little bit lost having so many options to choose from but the icons help them a bit. They are a little bit frustrated that they have to configure one side at a time.
  • The available fabrics or colors might not suit their wants, so they will ask for custom fabrics or colors.

  • They start to click on the available options to see what suits their needs and wants.
  • They feel happy that they can customize the interior color as well. They are a little bit frustrated that they have to configure one side at a time.
  • The available fabrics or colors might not suit their wants, so they will ask for custom fabrics or colors.

  • They start to click on the available options to see what suits their needs and wants.
  • Feels happy that they have many options to choose from.
  • They feel a little bit confused because the Table Option changed accordingly to the Seating Option they chose. They are a little bit frustrated that they have to configure one side at a time.
  • The available fabrics or colors might not suit their wants, so they will ask for custom fabrics or colors.

  • They start to click on the available options to see what suits their needs and wants.
  • Feels happy that they have many options to choose from.
  • They are frustrated that they changed another height of the Table Option, the Seating Option reset, and have to redo the selection.
  • The available fabrics or colors might not suit their wants, so they will ask for custom fabrics or colors.

  • Thinks if they have the budget for some Extra Options.
  • They are indecisive if they can afford or need any other Extra Options.
  • They might not have a budget for Extra Options.

  • They fill out the form and send the quote.
  • They feel happy with their choices and that they finished.
  • They have to wait a few days for the offer.

Flow diagram

This is a simple flow diagram of the main task that the user can do. The full diagram of a Kameleon K2 pod can be found below including all the steps and decisions that the user can make to create a custom pod.

Low-fidelity Wireframes

Here are presented different variations of important screens that the user goes through. They were adjusted accordingly with the feedback given by our internal team, architects, and distributors. The configurator was active for testing.

The goal of the Intro Page is to inform the customer about the variety of pod dimensions and their starting price (the pod with the lowest price options on fabrics and Exterior Panel type). We tried some options where all the pods were available on the Main Page but the customer was overwhelmed by the menu and could not concentrate on the pod that they were configuring.

The Main Page is where the customer customizes their pod. We tested different layouts in-house but also with dealers and architects. We concluded that the use of icons was crucial to keep the customer engaged. There are some technical limitations where individual panels must be changed and not all of them together. We tried to keep a clean and easy-to-read layout for all of the collection.

The Quote represents an A4 PDF with all the selected options by the customer and the customer’s information. The Quote is sent to the customer’s email and to ASKIA’s contact email. Then the price is made based on the customer’s options. A descriptive text about the pod’s features is present for dealers to copy and paste into their own Word, Excel documents and offerings. Some pods have more options than others but the Quote was designed to have the same layout for all pods.


Once the Low-fidelity wireframes were tested, and the final flow was finished, a simple UI Style Guide was created to maintain consistency. Still, along the way, we decided to change our partners who keep the visualization and 3D database of the Pods. The loading time took too long and the rendering settings weren’t too good, so we changed from pCon to Wellview. Altho some UI was changed in the process, the icons were very helpful for our customers and we kept them.

Kameleon Pods Collection

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