4 zones

There are 4  zones in the assembly instructions to look for. Each zone is a detail of the first one. Same number can be found in different zones. One shows the big picture, other one shows the required people for that task, another one shows what type of key and screws are needed.

K2 - K4 - K6

The view in each assembly manual do not change. Thus the assembly team find it more familiar when they have to build different type of pods. ex: K2, K4, K6. Also a lot of steps are similar to a certain point because of the pods modularity.

People required & positioning

The second zone it’s a zoomed out view at the tools and people needed for the present step/ task. This helps the assembly team to visualize how to handle certain elements before putting them together. For example a K1 ceiling can be placed with 2 people while a K2 ceiling require at least 3 people.

Details to pay attention

The third zone show the details the assembly team need to pay attention too when combining the elements. This step shows the direction of elements, cables that need to pass through other elements, parts here elements can rest before combining them together…

Zoomed details

The last zone shows the most detail. It shows how tight the screws need to be, the direction in which the hex key needs to rotate and the places where to use them (inside the pod, outside the pod).

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