Limit was designed back in 2017 before apps could notify when its time to unplug the device. Limit is a Bluetooth connected device that stops charging when the device, phone or laptop reaches 100%.
YearJune 2017
Limit was designed back in 2017 before apps could notify the user when is time to unplug the phone from charging. The degrading battery life of my phone and the “5% battery notifications” given by my laptop sparked an idea of limit. Limit is a Bluetooth connected device that stops charging when the device, phone or laptop reaches 100%. Since 2017 the battery life (of phones) became of interest and products and apps emerged. Chargie, Apple Optimized Battery notification
Limit powers up by the push of a button and connects to a phone or laptop via Bluetooth. It turns itself off when the device reaches 100% battery level.
Limit can fit a phone and also a laptop plug. The difference between a timer socket plug and limit is that Limit can stop independently when it detects full charge while a timer socket you set a time limit. People started to pay attention to their products battery life. They charge their devices differently based on full cycles, and some tend to charge between 20% – 80%, 30% – 75%… The future of Limit app should have customizable percentage level of charging.