MAU is a pill organizer based on the idea of Mind-Body treatment. Compared to other pill boxes MAU offers a new way of interaction. The patient no longer perceives the organizer as a simple container, but as a companion who looks after the user’s health.
YearJune 2017
MAU is a guide with a personality based on the user’s behavior. If the user does not take their medication, the gadget becomes increasingly annoying and just like a real animal, it will try to catch your attention no matter where you are. Just like a real cat, MAU gets between the user and the task he/she is doing, working at the computer, using the phone, etc. to get the user’s attention. Unlike real life, where the animal is interested to play with the owner, here, this loyal companion is interested to take care of the user’s health.
Through the years I tried multiple pill organizers to fit my hypertension prescription. I must take my medication 6 times a day, different pills. My most used pill box was a 7 compartment one, one compartment for each day of the week. I use my phone for all 6 alarms but sometimes in meetings I have to stop or snooze my alarm which makes me forget to take the pills.
In the exploration process . 1 The first pill organizer explores the idea of reward. Thus making the user hurry and take the medication with the reward in their mind. 2 The second one focuses on entertainment as a reward. The idea of this pill box was that the box shows a random meme (based on the user’s humor) each time he has to take their medication. 3 The third organizer has a more personal connection to the user because it embodies a personal companion.
1 The initial version consists of a simplified cat shape. It has four compartments and LED eyes to display the time. 2 I tried a more complex and realistic shape, but transportation becomes bothersome and I risk to making it look unpleasant (uncanny valley). 3 The shape was simplified and the necessary volumes for each compartment and technical components were considered. 4 The shape doesn’t work well with the cast molding process. The ears are soft so they don’t break or do damage when the organizer is carried in the pocket. 5 Because the joining edge came over the cat’s face I separated the body form the head. This way one can create different variations. 6 The first version and try-out of casting the piece. The sensor is placed on the largest surface. 6.1 Intermediary companion version. I focused on cat’s, because they are the most popular animal on the internet but I tried a canine companion as well. 7 The second version and try-out of casting the pieces. The sensor is moved on the cat’s back.
When it’s time to take the medication MAU meows. To stop MAU from meowing, the companion must be pet. After MAU has been pet, the meowing (alarm) stops and it starts purring. The purr means that the alarm has been stopped and the next alarm is set. When the purr stops the user can take their medication.
Phone and PC apps help the user extend MAU’s usage. If MAU (pill organizer) is not in the same room as the user, he can use the MAU app which connects with MAU physical pill box. When it’s time to take the medication MAU digital companion appears on the screen until the user goes and take their pills. The companion becomes increasingly annoying over time if the user doesn’t go to take their medication.